

Just trying out this platform after someone on Twitter recommended it to me. I'm already blogging on WordPress, but I figured I would create a second blog specifically devoted to keeping people up-to-date on my coding projects, which I host on my GitHub. This blog will include updates on new software releases as well as any new repos that I create. I might also make the occasional post rambling about different aspects of my projects, like what directions they will take in the future, stuff like that.

I currently have two major projects hosted on GitHub, and they are both C libraries. One is libdfloat, a library for implementing decimal floating point types in C (basically equivalent to the BigDecimal gem in Ruby). The other is libcsv, a library for parsing CSV files, deserializing them into abstract table structures, and operating on the table structures using SQL commands. libdfloat serves as the arithmetic underpinning for libcsv. In the future I plan to write additional libraries in the same framework, including one for machine learning, one for deep learning, and one for working with graph structures.

Anyway, that's just a little bit about me and what I'm working on. Hope to post here again soon.